

区域: Wong Nai Chung | Name of the street and the street number: 8 Kwai Fong Street | The address of the website designated by the Vendor for the Development for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance: http://www.8kwaifong.com.hk | The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

卖方: 辉源投资有限公司、Ease Kind Development Limited、宝伟有限公司、贝思有限公司 | 卖方的控权公司 (辉源投资有限公司)︰Pro Treasure Limited、Farzon Bravo Holding (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 、远中布拉沃有限公司 及 Farzon Able Group (PTC) Ltd. | 卖方的控权公司 (Ease Kind Development Limited)︰Pro Treasure Limited、Prosperity Developments Limited、Farzon Bravo Holding (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.、远中布拉沃有限公司 及Farzon Able Group (PTC) Ltd. | 卖方的控权公司 (宝伟有限公司)︰Pro Treasure Limited、Prosperity Developments Limited、Farzon Bravo Holding (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.、远中布拉沃有限公司 及Farzon Able Group (PTC) Ltd. | 卖方的控权公司 (贝思有限公司)︰Pro Treasure Limited、Prosperity Developments Limited、Farzon Bravo Holding (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.、远中布拉沃有限公司 及Farzon Able Group (PTC) Ltd. | 发展项目的认可人士:林中伟先生 | 发展项目的认可人士以其专业身份担任经营人、董事或雇员的商号或法团:创智建筑师有限公司 | 发展项目的承建商︰Build King Construction Limited | 就发展项目中的住宅物业的出售而代表拥有人行事的律师事务所︰柯玉华律师事务所 | 已为发展项目的建造提供贷款或已承诺为该项建造提供融资的认可机构︰恒生银行有限公司 | 已为发展项目的建造提供贷款的任何其他人︰不适用 | 本广告所有内容只供参考,绝不构成亦不得诠释成作出不论明示或隐含之要约、陈述、承诺或保证。| 卖方建议准买方参阅有关售楼说明书,以了解发展项目的资料。| 本广告由卖方或在卖方的同意下发布。| 详情请参阅售楼说明书
